はたけキッズ Farm kids (20/09/06)
From this month we reforcused Green Journey Farm Club on creating a deep sense of wonder for kids under Green Journey member Ann.
The kids take the lead, and the adults just help. First we walked around our farm and checked this month’s vegetable growth. Then we told the kids about today’s work and they chose their jobs.
Follwing insects all day, doing farm work, each kids enjoyed their interesting things!
Mrs. Ann is a teacher at an international school. She watched over each kid very carefully. She noticed ” This kid likes collecting something so we should bring insect cages from next month .” ” These kids found some fun things by themselves very well.
Her analysis of the children was wonderful.
One staff said ” I always want my kid to do the farm work for the event well. But he can do anything he want.” She felt resigned.
But Ann said ” But he likes using farm tools very much! So we shouldn’t say ” let’s do this” we should say ” Why don’t you use a hoe? Why don’t you use a sickle? ” He probably likes to do it!”
I see!! How to invite them is important! I saw the light.
We are thinking of making profiles for each kid’s characteristics and their discoveries.
Green Journey Channel’s new focus is collecting the viewpoints and the words of kids. This month’s highlight is a conversation of a girl who lives in Toyota and a boy who lives in Nagoya about insect collecting.
The girl saw an insect in a cage and said ” Let it go. It is sad because it’s not free.” The boy said ” True.” He knows that but still he wanted to take it home. He asked his mom ” Can I take it home?” She said ” Yes, you can!” He was happy. And the girl said ” OK. So you should change to a bigger cage at least.” The boy said “But we have only bamboo cages except for this, so this is the best I think. . .”
We understand both kids. We don’t of course blame the boy, we think this kind of conversation is a precious treasure.
We are looking forward to what he will say to other little kids who collect insects a few years later.
We wonder about what kind of impressions he got from the words of this first grade girl and how he will treat this insect at home and how his story will go in the future.
We want to make a record of every single thing like this.
This month’s work:
#1 Planting of the seeds of turnips
#2 Planting of the garlic
#3 Moving the seedlings of the broccoli
#4 Weeding